Restoring YOUR ideal life balance

Given the unprecedented level of challenge many of us are facing in our individual, family and business lives, Powering Health has established three programmes, specifically designed to help you and those closest to you, sustain balance in your life and protect your health and wellbeing.

Details of each programme are outlined below. Each programme includes a no fee/no obligation introduction meeting to to help you learn more about your preferred programme and evaluate the benefits of participating in that programme.

Each programme is delivered virtually in “live” 1-1 sessions and complemented with “offline” self-paced video lessons with workbook exercises.

The journey begins with YOU

We offer a choice of three programmes all delivered under the Power RESPECT Promise and the Power TRUST Promise

Programme 1: YOUR individual benefits

Download programme overview here: Restoring YOUR ideal life balance

  • Complete your no fee/no obligation 30 minute introductory meeting (Click HERE to set up that meeting)
  • Establish a clearly defined starting point based on an initial baseline assessment and discussion (1-1 and video-based workshop)
  • Complete 4 x in-person 1-1 (zoom) and self-paced, video-based “change possibility” workshops
  • Identify specific tweaks and tunes you consider as realistic tweaks and tunes you can make to help you restore your ideal balance
  • Support for you making and sustaining no more than two priority changes
  • Helping you celebrate the immediate performance and health benefits associated with your selected tweaks

Programme 2: YOUR family benefits

Download programme overview here: Restoring and sustaining harmony in YOUR home

  • Complete your no fee/no obligation 60 minute introductory meeting (Click HERE to set up that meeting)
  • Establish early buy-in from all family members
  • Complete 4 x family group meetings and self-paced workshops
  • Select and agree common themes that all members of the family agree to focus on for tweaking (eg exercise, diet, meal times…)
  • Develop a structured change plan with buy-in and 1-1 supports within the immediate family and others as needed
  • Celebrate the benefits of successful tweaks (and have a tried and tested framework in place to manage future tweaks)

Programme 3: YOUR business and team benefits

Download programme overview here: Finding YOUR team member’s optimal performance zone

  • Complete your no fee/no obligation 60 minute introductory meeting (Click HERE to set up that meeting)
  • Establish clear expectations and benefits associated with having teams members participate in the programme
  • Complete 4 x team engagement sessions with associated self-paced, video-based workshops
  • Programme content and focus fully customised based on team dynamic and engagement
  • Develop peer support guidelines in the team to help steer agreed team alignment
  • Help team and business sustain and experience the benefits of improved individual and team performance