Defusing Stress - Infusing Performance

A deliberate, structured and safe approach in helping you develop improved coping strategies when feeling stressed. Successful response and coping result in improved decision making, improved personal performance, improved health, improved team engagement and overall better business performance.

Respond, Rebalance and Thrive

The ProblemLearn More

High Stress Levels

Poor Exercise Regime

Poor Diet Choices

The Solution

Structured Behaviour Change Support

Would you like to feel better and perform better?

We offer a choice of three services all delivered under the Power RESPECT
and the Power TRUST Promise. How healthy is your lifestyle? Take our assesment to find out.

Lifestyle Assessment
Individual improvement

Wake refreshed and eager to go more often. A number of small but significant lifestyle tweaks can make all the difference. Identify your priority tweaks and convert them into immediate and lifelong benefits.

Improved family harmony

With the increasing blend of work and family time, helping your people find their ideal work/family balance is crucial. Help your employees achieve their ideal work/family blend and happiness while contributing to your business objectives too.

Better business performance

Happier people make for better business. Help your people find their optimal performance zone through finding and sustaining their ideal life balance. Our employee centred programme helps each person contribute to their team performance that results in your enterprise’s overall success.

Behaviour Change Specialist

The Powering Health approach is unique because it applies proven, and widely utilised, continuous improvement methods (Lean Six Sigma) partnered with academically researched and tested human behaviour-change techniques.

Powering Health partners with our clients to develop and implement specific and permanent lifestyle changes designed to immediately improve performance and contribute to reducing risk of facing health and performance challenges in the future. (most specifically those related to lifestyle-related illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. stroke, COPD, Alzheimer’s and many cancers)).

“In short, our mission is to help people make small changes now that help improve energy and performance while contributing to reducing the risks of being impacted by highly preventable lifestyle-related illnesses.”

Our Professional Body Membership and Certification

Seamus is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and is a member of the Division of Health Psychology within the PSI.

Seamus is also a certified HeartMath® Coach and is passionate advocate of application of HeartMath® techniques in helping people achieve improved emotional balance in their lives.

Powering Health is also a member of South Dublin Chamber.


Licensed HeartMath® Coach
Licensed HeartMath® Coach